An offbeat sunset point – the Eco Garden in Lucknow

Hunting for a place for an evening walk and some fresh air on a lazy weekend afternoon, we zeroed-in on the Eco Garden in Lucknow. Located beside the VIP road, where the old jail used to be situated (some coincidence that), the stone park is dotted with 100s of bronze sculptures of animals and trees. There are a few gushing fountains too. Not saying that there aren’t any real plants or trees, there are thousands (12000) of those those too.

The place is H-U-G-E and attracts few visitors, making it one of the safer places for an evening stroll in the times of the pandemic. What we didn’t expect though is that the park offers some amazing views of the setting sun. The bronze statues against the orange hue carve out some breathtaking silhouettes.

Check out a few that we captured on our maiden visit.

Planning to visit?

The park is open from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. all days of the week. There’s a huge parking space available if you wish to drive to the place. The parking and entrance tickets are priced nominally. We spent around Rs.80, which included tickets for 2 and parking charges.

Avoid visiting during the day in summer season, the place converts into a hot oven due the granite and stone all around. Mornings and evenings are perfectly fine around the year.

You can find the exact location and directions below.

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